Chain hoist SBE

Chain hoist SBE

WLL: 250 - 10 000 kg

Chain hoist SBE

  • Has a rating plate with: manufacturer's mark, CE mark, lifting capacity, factory number, year of production, chain size and class and weight
  • It has a low dead weight and a galvanized class 8 load chain made of alloy steel
  • Chain guide design prevents twisting or binding for smooth movement
  • Optional chain box
  • Low net weight.
  • Complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive: 2006/42/WE
  • Made according to the harmonized standard: PN-EN 13155

Code WLL Lifting height Maneuvering height Numberof wires Chain size Lifting force Gearratio Hmin A B D Mass Weight ofthe nextmeter GNP
[kg] [m]* [m]** [mm] [N]*** [m]**** [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kg] [ISO]
SBE 00.25-3.0 250 3 2,5 1 4x12 190 31,6 230 100 104 23 5 0,9 M1
SBE 00.5-3.0 500 3 2,5 1 6x18 200 33,3 270 138 137 21 9 1,6 M1
SBE 01.0-3.0 1 000 3 2,5 1 6x18 320 41,5 317 147 162 26 11 1,6 M1
SBE 01.5-3.0 1 500 3 2,5 1 8x24 360 55,6 399 170 183 32,5 15 2,2 M1
SBE 02.0-3.0 2 000 3 2,5 1 8x24 365 72,6 414 170 194 30 19 2,2 M1
SBE 03.0-3.0 3 000 3 2,5 2 8x24 385 111,2 465 170 220 38 26 3,6 M1
SBE 05.0-3.0 5 000 3 2,5 2 10x30 435 163,4 618 190 288 44 43 5,2 M1
SBE 10.0-3.0 10_000 3 2,5 4 10x30 435 326,8 798 190 384 50 80 9,5 M1

* Standard lift height, which can be changed on request
** Standard maneuvering height, which can be converted to order
*** Lifting force - the force applied to the maneuvering chain that is required to bear the full load
**** Gear ratio - The length of the shunting chain that must be pulled to lift the load by 1000 mm

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