Lifting Beam TRS A-M

Lifting Beam miproBeam TRS A-M

WLL: 500 - 20 000 kg



Lifting Beam miproBeam TRS A-M

  • Complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive: 2006/42/WE
  • Made according to the harmonized standard: PN-EN 13155
  • Product marking: manufacturer's mark, CE marking, load capacity, factory number, year of production
  • With low usable height (HR).
  • Can be adjusted every 500 mm (2xR).
  • Including 2 swiveling hooks with bearings.

There is a possibility to customize the lifting beam to specific customer requirements e.g.:

  • make attachment holes in lifting beam for 2- legs sling,
  • make additional hole below central hook,
  • retrofit with additional hooks,
  • change hooks for shakles installed on special connector.

TRS A-M dimensions.jpg

Lenght L [m]
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 7 8
0,5 A=20   B=15 Code TRS A-M 0.5-1.0 0.5-1.5 0.5-2.0 0.5-2.5 0.5-3.0 0.5-3.5 0.5-4.0 0.5-4.5 0.5-5.0 0.5-5.5 0.5-6.0 0.5-7.0 0.5-8.0
C=27,5 W=60 HR [mm] 320 320 335 350 350 350 370 370 390 390 390 408 408
T=130 Mass [kg] 26 34 42 51 59 67 92 103 142 155 168 233 265
1 A=20   B=15 Code TRS A-M 1.0-1.0 1.0-1.5 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.5 1.0-3.0 1.0-3.5 1.0-4.0 1.0-4.5 1.0-5.0 1.0-5.5 1.0-6.0 1.0-7.0 1.0-8.0
C=27,5 W=60 HR [mm] 320 335 345 366 366 386 386 405 405 405 424 424 424
T=130 Mass [kg] 26 34 42 61 72 103 116 153 169 185 235 318 416
2 A=30 B=20 Code TRS A-M 2.0-1.0 2.0-1.5 2.0-2.0 2.0-2.5 2.0-3.0 2.0-3.5 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.5 2.0-5.0 2.0-5.5 2.0-6.0 2.0-7.0 2.0-8.0
C=27,5 W=75 HR [mm] 375 394 394 414 432 432 432 451 451 460 460 480 500
T=160 Mass [kg] 35 51 61 87 117 133 149 192 211 270 292 385 502
3 A=35   B=20 Code TRS A-M 3.0-1.0 3.0-1.5 3.0-2.0 3.0-2.5 3.0-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.0-4.0 3.0-4.5 3.0-5.0 3.0-5.5 3.0-6.0 3.0-7.0 3.0-8.0
C=27,5 W=75 HR [mm] 390 410 410 429 448 448 456 456 476 476 476 496 516
T=160 Mass [kg] 45 65 80 105 140 160 215 240 295 320 355 460 585
5 A=45 B=25 Code TRS A-M 5.0-1.0 5.0-1.5 5.0-2.0 5.0-2.5 5.0-3.0 5.0-3.5 5.0-4.0 5.0-4.5 5.0-5.0 5.0-5.5 5.0-6.0 5.0-7.0 5.0-8.0
C=34,5 W=100 HR [mm] 480 500 520 538 538 548 568 568 588 588 608 608 624
T=200 Mass [kg] 55 75 105 140 165 225 280 310 380 420 505 585 725
7,5 A=55   B=25 Code TRS A-M 7.5-1.0 7.5-1.5 7.5-2.0 7.5-2.5 7.5-3.0 7.5-3.5 7.5-4.0 7.5-4.5 7.5-5.0 7.5-5.5 7.5-6.0 7.5-7.0 7.5-8.0
C=34,5 W=110 HR [mm] 555 590 614 632 625 640 670 660 680 680 696 715 715
T=220 Mass [kg] 70 105 145 195 230 295 365 390 485 525 625 915 980
10 A=60 B=35 Code TRS A-M 10.0-1.0 10.0-1.5 10.0-2.0 10.0-2.5 10.0-3.0 10.0-3.5 10.0-4.0 10.0-4.5 10.0-5.0 10.0-5.5 10.0-6.0 10.0-7.0 10.0-8.0
C=38,3 W=120 HR [mm] 620 639 659 679 698 684 700 720 720 740 740 770 800
T=250 Mass [kg] 110 140 185 235 310 360 445 535 590 775 840 980 1150
15 A=70   B=40 Code TRS A-M 15.0-1.0 15.0-1.5 15.0-2.0 15.0-2.5 15.0-3.0 15.0-3.5 15.0-4.0 15.0-4.5 15.0-5.0 15.0-5.5 15.0-6.0
C=44,5 W=130 HR [mm] 720 760 760 780 799 818 818 830 860 878 878
T=270 Mass [kg] 150 215 255 315 390 540 605 680 780 930 1040
20 A=80 B=45 Code TRS A-M 20.0-1.0 20.0-1.5 20.0-2.0 20.0-2.5 20.0-3.0 20.0-3.5 20.0-4.0 20.0-4.5
C=64 W=150 HR [mm] 802 822 842 862 892 908 922 922
T=300 Mass [kg] 250 300 365 495 560 645 785 865
Spacing of lashing points [m] for individual lengths of the TRS A-M lifting beam [m]
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 7,0 8,0
0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,5 7,5
0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0
0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,5 6,5
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 5,0 6,0
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,5 5,5
1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 4,0 5,0
2,0 2,5 3,5 4,5
3,0 4,0

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Catalog miproBeam

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